Video, Passing through, 2005

Passing through is about a group of young people residents in Barcelona. Nial, Ali, Darren, Valerie and Kurt are a group of young foreigners who work and frequent the Ryan’s Pub. Residents in Barcelona for few months, they are not recognized either as native or tourist, but in a confused mixture of all and none. In order to approximate the look of these young people and to document their particular perception of the city, we propose to work through meetings with the group at the same Pub. The process started by giving to each of them a disposable camera to portray their daily life in Barcelona. Later we completed the photographic documentation with oral stories about them temporary condition in the city. The result is an audiovisual document for five voices that aims to build a narrative of the Barcelona city from the experience of who belongs and at the same time passing through.

Daniele Marx, Pau Faus, Saida Lanau and Cristina Garrido
Barcelona, 2005.